Is the Outerwears filter water resistant?
The Outerwears pre filter material that EHS Racing uses is made out of a water resistant material, we tell people as long as one doesn't sink their quad in a lake, or play in the water all day you will be ok. The covers do really hold up well to water you can take the cover hold it under a sink at full pressure and about 99 percent of the water will not penetrate through.
How much air does the cover actually flow?
A lot really we haven't ran into many situations that people with their quads jetted properly needed to re-jet to use our cover. Some of the covers allow for more useable surface area so they do flow a little more than others. The filter material is very breathable and more than compensates almost all situations. Tuning is very important to gain maximum HP most people think that the bigger the jet the more HP your putting out. It's not it just means more fuel one really needs properly tune to what the engine is capable of if one is jetted to rich it kills HP.
What should I do about my jet settings?
We tell everybody to go by what their pipe manufactures suggest for an open box setup or the jet kit suggest for an open box or usually stage 2 setup. If you need specific help you can call us we will get you close but if you are modifying the intake and exhaust at the same time expect to have to do some changing of the jet/s a few times to get it right.
What is the difference between a kit and a complete setup?
The kit includes everything the customer needs to modify their own air box cover that they supply. It will require cutting, assembly and modifications to be done by the customer. The complete setup is a kit pre installed on a new airbox cover that we supply, all work is done by EHS Racing. When it arrives its ready to snap on the quad.
Do you have a setup for my aluminum air box?
We probably do not have anything specific as it is hard to keep track of other companies products. The only thing we have is something for the polaris predator, this doesn't mean that we don't have something that couldn't be made to work or we might be able to do something custom. The best way to find out is call the shop.
Can I replace the filter if it tears?
YES. Filter replacement is very easy we stock all filters blacks are $15 and colored are $20
How do I clean the pre-filter?
We suggest just taking the cover off the air box and washing it in the sink with warm water and a mild detergent like hand soap. If you use more potent chemicals like KandN cleaner the water resistance will fade quicker. Run the filter dry and do NOT put scotch guard on it to regain water resistance it will compromise air flow.
What's the general life expectancy of a Outerwears pre-filter?
Unless you rip or tear it they hold up almost for ever it seems. We tell people to change it out every couple of seasons because they do lose some of the water resistance over time but still work great for keeping sand, dirt and debris out.